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These hoods are inspired by the two-pieces suit created in the fifties by Coco Channel which represents, in my opinion, the height of the coupé-cousu style. Why not associate this to its opposite: the drapé style? These pieces are made out of a single length of cloth. I allowed myself only one point to fasten them on the shoulders by a button or a seam. Thus the draped cloth does not spread from the shoulders downwards but from the shoulders upwards! Or how to question the law of gravity!


  • Little Golden Hood

    a sober and elegant piece in a gorgeous Malhia Kent beige / gold monochrome material
  • Chocolate and Whipped Cream

    in a chocolate coloured pure wool stitch and cotton, this is a snug and novel hood, to associate with its assorted cuffs

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The great photos on this web site are all from Caroline Lemoine, feel free to visit her website at
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